Privacy Policy

Last updated 21/08/2023

Data Protection​

The GDPR data protection law came into effect on May 25th 2018.

All the data you provide to us for the use of our facilities is obtained with your knowledge and consent.

It is legitimate interest to us as it allows you to use the online booking system, receive entry code and have access to incentives (e.g. free sessions) for helping keep the field/woodland area waste-free.

We only use the additional contact details you provide in case of an emergency (e.g. sudden field closure or code change).

We store the following data:

1) The information provided on your booking form.

2) Contents of texts, emails, social media messages in order to keep track of your purchase order history.

We do not store any financial data.

Your information will never be shared or used for marketing purposes without your prior written consent.